Tuesday, March 16

Tuesdays are, well, Tuesdays I guess...

Today was a typical SSDD type of day... Woke up, showered, had breakfast, BP 150/98, drove to work, had a full day at the office, drove back, spent a bit of time with the PC, made dinner (spaghetti and mince), watched a bit of TV, BP 138/88, came back upstairs, spent a bit of time with the PC, and then to bed.

It's like the instructions on a shampoo bottle. Lather, rinse, repeat.

At least tomorrow evening is the next module in our prophetic course. Something to look forward to. The weekend's plans have been put on ice until June-ish. So a relaxing at-home-long-weekend...

At least with the taxi-strike, the traffic is OK-ish.


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