Tuesday, March 9

Ok Ok Ok! I know I promised a daily entry!!!

Ok, so it's been a few days since my last entry.. I've been busy! Work has kept me busy, house life has kept me busy, friends have kept me busy...

I'm still on a downward spiral concerning the weight issue.. Clothes keep on fitting better and better. Blood pressure is stabilising at about 130-140/80-90. Had a bit of a deep dip the other day, right down to (I think it was) 97/57 or something similar. Felt lekka high!!!

Traffic is becoming the bane of my existence, and the world's longest parking arcade is detrimental to my blood pressure. And it's no fun falling asleep behind the wheel in the slow (less than 5 km/h) traffic...

Blood sugar levels are now stabilising in the 6-7 range as well. No more sweets or sugar really helps!

And off to bed I go. Take care, and have yourselves a good night...

For those who can't sleep, have a look at this and laugh a bit..

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