Wednesday, March 24

Woensdagmore... Vroeg...

Klaar gestort, sit en koffie drink en plons 'n paar gedagtes hier neer. Buite hoor ek wraggies nog 'n voëltjie kwetter, al is dit nog half-nag. Die son het gedraai, en die nagte gaan begin langer word. Winter is oppad..

Winter is nie juis een van my gunsteling-seisoene nie, ek is nie een wat lief is vir koudkry nie. Veral nie nou met die natuurlike isolasie wat verminder nie. En die bloed wat dunner en meer effektief vloei.

Gisteraand gesit en werk aan 'n projek wat 'n deadline het wat voor my staan soos 'n paal bo water. Darem baie goed gevorder, maar moes paar queries dringend na my support groep toe stuur. Hopelik kry ek die antwoorde vroeg sodat ek die lot kan klaarkry en 'n spul mense van my skouers af kan kry.

Vanoggend in stiltetyd in Lukas rondgeloer. Baie interessante feite daar. Bespreek ek en liefie toe die 1 vers: (Luk 9:41) Toe antwoord Jesus en sê: o Ongelowige en verdraaide geslag, hoe lank sal Ek by julle wees en julle verdra? Bring jou seun hier. Hoekom sou Jesus so kras met Sy dissipels praat? Het Hy nie eerder met die demone geraas nie? Nogal 'n punt om aan te dink, veral as mens die verse vooraf (en sommer die hoofstuk vooraf) ook lees...

Daar is veral 'n vers wat ons toe raaksien: (Luk 10:18) Toe sê Hy vir hulle: Ek het die Satan soos ‘n bliksem uit die hemel sien val. Vader het Satan uit die hemel gegooi nog voor Hy begin het om die aarde te maak. En Jesus was daar om dit te sien. As dit darem nie 'n bevestiging van Jesus se Godheid is nie, dan weet ek darem nie.....

Nou ja, laat ek gaan klaarmaak, brekfis moet gemaak word en ek moet klaar aantrek. Geseënde dag en mag ons Hemelse Vader ieder en elk wat hier lees, mildelik seën.

Geniet julle dag!

Monday, March 22

Rustige Maandag

Baie rustige Maandag. Laat geslaap. Fliek gekyk. Ietsie gaan eet. Verder kom slaap. TV gekyk. Blog kom opdateer. En terug kooi toe. Nou nou.

Mense, soms is dit nodig om net mooi niks te doen. Net te wees. Te "exist". Sonder om te beweeg. Dan herlaai mens. Van binne af. Jy voel meer uitgerus. Minder gejaag. Want ons jaag te veel. Deadlines/spertye. Waar is die dae wat ons tyd gehad het? Waar is die dae wat ons net rustig oor 'n naweek kon rus? Maar nee, dis hiernatoe/daarnatoe/elders/elke oomblik besig. 'n Gejaag na wind. 'n Gejaag na niks..

En eindelik gaan almal dood en hou tyd op bestaan. En wat het jy bereik? Hoeveel tyd saam met jou geliefdes deurgebring? Hoeveel tyd met JOUSELF deurgebring? Tyd aan JOUSELF gespandeer?

Ons moete tyd maak vir kinders, vir werk, vir kerk, vir vergaderings, vir familie, vir vriende, vir jou eggenoot, maar wat van eie tyd? Tyd is kosbaar. Tyd is nie onbeperk nie. Tyd wat jy vandag verloor, sal jy nooit weer kan opmaak nie. Jy kan nie slaap inhaal nie, jy kan nie tyd inhaal nie. Koop die tyd uit. Moenie jou laat jaag nie. Moenie dat tyd jou baas word nie.

So what as jy laat is? Moenie dat jy 'n slaaf van tyd word nie. Tyd moet vir jou werk, nie jy vir tyd nie...

Maak tyd vir jouself.

Sunday, March 21

Sunday is a fun day....

We decided to gyppo church and lie in a bit this AM. Lovey brought us brekkies in bed at about 10am. We watched a movie, slept, I got up at 2, had 2 slices of low-gi with butter, watched another movie. She joined about 20 minutes from the end.. Finished the movie, and watched another one. Gonna watch the 8pm movie now, and then off to bed.

BP for the day: 128/78. Nice and steady....

Lekker slaap!

Nag ou Grote.

Friday, March 19

Friday not the 13th...

Kyk, so naby aan ;n hartaanval was ek lanklaas... Ek praat nou van die Bulle wat so byna-byna hulle rekord vrerinnewoes het.. Magtig, dit was 'n stryd. Te veel foute, te min punte. En dit alles oor die blessitse Stormers laasweek die 'canes so moerig gemaak het. Toe moes ons dit ontgeld.

Vandag was 'n ho-hum tipe dag. Al was dit Vrydag. Vroeg geloop by die werk omdat ek 'n terminaal moes gaan aflewer by Menlyn. Enige verskoning. Darem parkeerplek gekry by die VIP parkering.. Mens moet net weet hoe.

BP was vanoggend heel skaflik, amper soos 'n mens s'n. Wou nie vanaand meet na die Bulle se stryd nie. Sou net die meter breek.

Het vandag weer bietjie oortree. 3 Boerierolle vir aandete. Ook net die Bulle en liefie se skuld. Sy het die boeries gebraai. Damn lekker gewees eintlik. En dit na ek die hele dag stroopsoet was.

Dank Vader dis langnaweek,ek het die rus nodig. Sondag mos een of ander nuwe vakansiedag wat ek die naam van vergeet het, dit meen Maandag is afdag. Sal dit ook so deurbring.

Wou vanmore 'n stuk komedie post, toe post ek dit onder Liefie se blog. Gaan oor Togetherness Tshabalala se taxi-wedervaringe. 'n Moet-lees as jy my vra! Haar spoegblok is Katjie se Sandbak.

Kaas dit en geniet dit!

Ek bekommer my dat tyd so vinnig verby gaan. Ons is al amper deur die 1ste kwart van die jaar, en ek onthou nog alles wat ons vir krismis geëet het... Eish! Is dit 'n teken van goeie geheue of 'n teken van oudword?

Ek gaan nou slaap. Lekker slaap almal!

Nag ou Grote.

Thursday, March 18

Who could ever get the hang of a Thursday....

Ok, so today was Thursday. One day before Friday. 3 days after Monday. A day that just hangs in the air like an apostrophe. I never did understand Thursdays..

And on another note. BP is up and down like a working girl's panty during the soccer world cup... Yesterday morning I hit the high pressures with a massive 172/105. Without even getting mad. Before breakfast. So I sat and became calm and collected, and 10 minutes later it came down to 153/94. And I did not even cheat with my pills, or with salty stuff.. Last night it was a moderate 126/86. Much better. Even after all the damn traffic. This morning was a tad high again, with 148/94, and after dinner and a bit of Molly en Wors it came down to 112/67.

Moving right on. Had a nice brisket (without fat) stew, with veggies, pumpkin and brown rice. (I made it, without adding my well-known sauces.. Even Lovey was impressed!!) My body is adapting to eating way less.. (Sounds like weigh-less, doesn't it?) No more before-sleeptime-snacks, which really was the death of me. No more chewing on chips in bed before switching off the bedside lamp. No more...

I felt so proud again this morning. A shirt that last week sat quite tight, but not as tight as the week before, now sits loose.. I know it's not much, but for me it's a reason to go on, because it means a few more centimeters have disappeared into the big blue yonder. My pants fasten easier, and I really, really like that!

I'm listening to David Bowie - Space Oddity while typing.. Was one of my way-back favourites..

En dis nou tyd vir Afrikaanse kommentaar gelewer deur die uwe. Die verkeer tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg suig nog steeds eiers. Veral van die R21 tot by John Vorster in Centurion in die oggend. En dan Buccleugh. My gunsteling vloekwoord. Buccleugh. Siesa. Snaaks genoeg, vanmiddag was die wisselaar so oop en wyd soos die Karoo!! So ek kon met 'n aangename spoed huis toe ry. Terwyl ek 'n appel tand. Het julle geweet appels is eintlik damn lekker?

En die aan-die-slaap-rakery agter die stuur word al hoe minder. Dalk omdat ek deurslaap in die nag. En nie meer 3-4 keer opstaan om te piepie nie. Want my bloeddrukpilletjie wat ek in die oggend drink ontwater my. En die aandpilletjie maak blykbaar die are oper, wat suurstoftoevoer regoor die liggaam verbeter.

Tot die pers enkels waarmee ek dalk my ruimte-afkoms kon bewys, is aan die verdwyn. Dit dui daarop dat die bloedsomloop regtig verbeter.

Ek wonder net soms hoe kon ek my liggaam so mishandel en laat gaan het.. en dan onthou ek dat dit in die vorige millenium begin het, en baie jare se abuse moet ek nou baie vinnig ongedaan maak. Want ek wil Desember gaan tandem. Klaar gereël. Op 95kg het 'n pel van my (wat lisensie het om te vlieg) belowe hy sal dit organize en my persoonlik opvat om te spring.

So dink aan my en moenie ophou bid vir my nie.

En ook vir my liefie. Haar broeke val al af! Shame, en sy het nie juis 'n wye klerekas nie. So die naweek gaan ons probeer broeke invat. Dink maar aan ons!!!

Vandag se ramblings is aan julle gebring deur die groeisel in my koffiekoppie.

Lekker slaap!

En Ryno, jy is nou 'n grootmens. Welkom in die wêreld van die grootmense. Weet dat jou oom Johan BAIE trots op jou is ne? En ek soek GOEIE matriekuitslae, anders volg ander slae........

Lekker slaap!

Nag ou Grote!

Tuesday, March 16

Tuesdays are, well, Tuesdays I guess...

Today was a typical SSDD type of day... Woke up, showered, had breakfast, BP 150/98, drove to work, had a full day at the office, drove back, spent a bit of time with the PC, made dinner (spaghetti and mince), watched a bit of TV, BP 138/88, came back upstairs, spent a bit of time with the PC, and then to bed.

It's like the instructions on a shampoo bottle. Lather, rinse, repeat.

At least tomorrow evening is the next module in our prophetic course. Something to look forward to. The weekend's plans have been put on ice until June-ish. So a relaxing at-home-long-weekend...

At least with the taxi-strike, the traffic is OK-ish.




Goeie movie, maar is dit? Gaan lees gerus wat Africa Christian Action daarvan dink en maak jou eie gevolgtrekkings...

Monday, March 15

Kan ons dan nie verder gaan.... begin ons weer van voor af aan.. (Maandag)

Lekker naweek gehad, Bulle het (weereens) hulle staal gewys. Mooi so, Nou die Blou! Geluk aan Ferrarri, maar watch this space. Merc is on it's way...

It's been a very interesting weekend, full of friends, braai, kuier, rugby, kids, kuier, friends, etc. I have one huge problem though.. Even though I braaied the lekkerste ribbetjie, I did not feel like eating! Ate half a chop, half a piece of boerie, 1 small portion garlic-potato-dish, and that was it.

Cherise and Schernal spent the weekend, he is really a damn nice fellow.

Got up this morning, and on getting dressed, found that pants must have stretched since last week. They fit even better! BP was a tad high (158/98) this AM, but came down to a more manageable level 0f 128/88 this PM.

Scales still don't register my weight, but not for long anymore. My moobs are getting smaller, and my arms are not so tired anymore.. I can even climb stairs like a normal person without getting winded.. (even the steep ones at home!)

So.. I'm hanging in there, and things are looking better. Keep praying for me please!

Friday, March 12

Hey hey it's Friday!

It's been a hectic week. On Wednesday afternoon a huge pile-up on the highway made a mess of it for most of Pretoria's residents. Yesterday wifey and me had to take the back street way to work. Hectic! Did this contribute to my blood pressure situation? I don't think so, because last night I measured a lovely 131/80! Quite nice, even if I have to say so myself...

Why am I so worried about blood pressure? According to Wikipedia blood pressure is "a force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs."

So what does this mean? Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial walls. This is influenced by narrowing of veins and arteries, viscosity of blood, etc. When the diastolic pressure (that's the low/resting pressure) is too high, it can lead to strokes, etc. The heart muscle also weakens over time. So we need to keep it in check.

The weight is also coming down nicely. The scales still tells me to get lost, but my clothes start to fit better, feel looser and I'm not getting irritated so easily. I can even get my pants down without unfastening the button! Last week I could not fasten the button without serious effort... Just goes to show what pure will power and a pill (and self-control) can do.

If I can do it, so can anyone else. For I am a weakling if there is a juicy lamb rib on the table, or a yummy koeksister within reach. Even the smell of a braaing boerie gets me going!!! But now? I walk past the ice cream freezers with a sneer.....

Have a wonderful, blessed, God-filled Friday!!!

Tuesday, March 9

Ok Ok Ok! I know I promised a daily entry!!!

Ok, so it's been a few days since my last entry.. I've been busy! Work has kept me busy, house life has kept me busy, friends have kept me busy...

I'm still on a downward spiral concerning the weight issue.. Clothes keep on fitting better and better. Blood pressure is stabilising at about 130-140/80-90. Had a bit of a deep dip the other day, right down to (I think it was) 97/57 or something similar. Felt lekka high!!!

Traffic is becoming the bane of my existence, and the world's longest parking arcade is detrimental to my blood pressure. And it's no fun falling asleep behind the wheel in the slow (less than 5 km/h) traffic...

Blood sugar levels are now stabilising in the 6-7 range as well. No more sweets or sugar really helps!

And off to bed I go. Take care, and have yourselves a good night...

For those who can't sleep, have a look at this and laugh a bit..

Wednesday, March 3

So what's new...

Was way too tired to update this last night. Today was one hectic day. Our profile server crashed last week, and IT has been battling to get the thing going again. So they sent the crashed disks for data recovery. And I had to go and verify the data to get it back. Now they have to rebuild the server, and reload the data. I wonder if they ever heard of backups. The exercise cost them about 20 big ones. So I had to wait for traffic to die down, and only got home after 7.

Watched the first of 18 Egoli specials. It's so sad that Egoli is now officially over. It's like death in the family.

I'm starting to feel the weight loss, and my ankles are not so swollen anymore. I'm even losing centimeters, and getting stretch marks on the old beer belly. One of these days there will be no more beer belly. And I will be happy.

My BP is still a bit high, hit a 150/110 this morning again (even after doing the pills), but 5 minutes later it came down to 140/100. I have to relax more. And start walking. Getting fit is high on the agenda.

As for lovey, she's also determined to do the weight loss thing, together with the study thing.

Today's post is brought to you with compliments of the lint in my navel.

Monday, March 1

Monday morning...

Had a relaxing weekend. Woke up Saturday at 8, did some walking about the day, BP quite stable in the 140-150/80-100 range.. Rupert and Juanita came over for a braai. Pap, sous and lean chops. Watched Bulls win their game (yet again). OK, nearly had 10 heart attacks...

Sunday, woke up early, decided to have a lay-in. Sinned over lunch with some take-aways. Good afternoon snooze... Off to bed at 10, slept like a log.

Oh, before I forget, BP last night dipped to an all-time low of 121/59.. Must be the new pills kicking in.

I've put on a shirt today that 3 weeks ago didn't want to fit anymore. Still a bit tight, but a definite improvement! Just a pity the scale still shows tilt...

Have a great week!